One thing is certain - game industry evolves rapidly. Games nowadays offer photorealistic graphics, high quality sound and a much more complex gameplay, require better computers and consoles and all this goes with an enormous budget, enough to direct and produce a decent movie. Some 15-20 years ago games were designed to entertain. They were pieces of intellectual challenge, some of which - pure diamonds. Various quests, RPGs and FPshooters - today forgotten, offered people a way to enhance their logical thinking but never stopped entertaining them.
I won't discuss here the benefits and disadvantages of having a consumerist game industry. Instead, today I'd like to draw your attention to a game, coded primarily in 90s traditions.

8bit killer is a reminiscence. A product of today, bearing the feeling of long gone times. Built in the style of DOOM or Wolfenstein 3D, it is actually a game, developed in 2008.
8bit killer is a first person shooter. The story, inspired by various futuristic games and films, is a good excuse to jump into the action. The gameplay will leave you with a specific nostalgic feeling - a weapon located in the middle of the screen, no pointer, labyrinth-like level design, using keys to unlock doors in order to finish the level and so on.
Graphically, the game has a distinctive early 90s style. Yet, using modern coding techniques, it offers a really good atmosphere. Once you get used to its specific outlook (in case you haven't played some 90s shooters) I can promise you an hour of endless fun. An hour? Yes, it took me a little over an hour to finish the game.

This, together with the complete lack of a save option are the two and only flaws of the game. There is no way you can save your progress throughout the game, but you actually don't need it.
The game isn't hard to beat, the difficulty is balanced , which I consider a plus, compared to the sometimes impossible to play difficulty levels of the old shooters.
Final conclusion? Download and play. Just be sure to have about an hour of free time ;)
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