Highway Pursuit, as one could think, is a car chasing game on an anonymous highway.
There is not much of a story.
You are the owner of a car, that can go up to 180 km/h in no time. But on the road there are some bad guys who want to dominate over the traffic. It is your mission to prevent this.
You are the owner of a car, that can go up to 180 km/h in no time. But on the road there are some bad guys who want to dominate over the traffic. It is your mission to prevent this.
The game starts with your car, zero points, three lives and the opportunity (and obligation) to shoot as many enemy cars as you can. Enemy cars are easy to be spotted - they are purple and orange, move at a high speed and try to push you out of the highway which will result in your imminent death.
But, remember, we're on a highway- there are some random drivers who are not to be shot. I'm sorry if you expected a Carmageddon-like massacre. That's just not your game, then :)
If you shoot one of the "good" cars you're supposed to protect, the game won't accumulate points to your account.
A very interesting idea are the trucks that supply you with some weapons - varying from some smoke (to confuse the enemies) to rockets (that you will use against a pretty mean helicopter, dropping bombs upon your person while you're trying to stay alive).
Being an arcade game, the developers have offered you three lives. When you get killed or crash three times, the game ends and the accumulated points come into consideration.
Graphics are decent, especially if you bear in mind that the game is app.4 mbytes.
Here is the link to the developer, it's a simple, but very entertaining game. I highly recommend it.